melting & burning

Celia Dropkin
November 1, 2013, 3:03 pm
Filed under: poem | Tags: ,


Like juicy red apples
my cheeks flare up
in the sun
with a red flame.

I hold on—barely—
to the tree, and not
today, tomorrow,
fall to the ground,
and when someone,
dazzled by my red
cheeks, lifts me up
from the dirt, he then
tosses me aside with disgust
and pity because
my heart is eaten up
by the worms,
and that fat worm—passion—
just won’t crawl out
of my juicy body.
I am left, discarded, as it
rots me to death.



You revel, I revel,
in us revels the God
who ruins everything,
who won’t forbid.

Hammer my hands,
nail my feet to a cross:
burn me, be burned,
take all my ardor

and leave me deeply ashamed:
suck it from me and throw it away,
become estranged, alienated
and go your own way.



You plowed deep
into me—fertile earth—
and sowed there.
Tall stalks grew—love-stalks—
with roots down deep in the ground
and golden heads to the sky.
Surrounding your stalks, red poppies
amazingly bloomed.
You stood, suspicious,
and thought: Who planted poppies?
A wind passed through;
you had an impulse
to show it the way.
A bird flew through;
you followed him
away with your eyes.



you had been fussed over
by many women’s hands
when I came across you,
young Adam. And before I pressed
my lips to you
you pleaded, your face paler
and more gentle
than the gentlest lily:
Don’t bite, don’t bite.

I saw that teethmarks covered
your entire body. Trembling,
I bit into you—you breathed
over me through thin nostrils
and edged up to me
like the hot horizon to a field.

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